British Seagull Outboard Engines -


Johnson Super Sea-Horse V-75A

Johnson Super Sea-Horse
V-75A is a 75-hp. V-4


Johnson 51/2-hp. model has  thermostat and fuel pump

Johnson 51/2-hp. model has
thermostat and fuel pump


1961 Advertisement

1961 Advertisement

Home > Other Old Outboards > Johnson models (1961)

Johnson models (1961)

(Based on a 1961 advertisement)

Johnson's 1961 Fleet of Outboard Motors is headed by two new 75-hp. Sea-Horses, one with a fully transistor-regulated a.c. generator. Other models include electric and manual starting versions of the "40," and motors rated at 18 hp., 10 hp. 5 ½ hp. and 3 hp.

The 5 ½ hp. Sea-Horse now has a full complement needle bearing in its connecting rod assembly. New wrist pin bearings are provided in each model from 10 hp. up. All motors are protected by an anti-corrosive "armor."

The factory-installed a.c. generator available at moderate additional cost with the V-75A charges 5 amperes at idling speed and quickly rises to a 20-amp. rate. Direct current is produced by new silicon diode rectifiers.

Fixed high speed carburetor jets on V-75 and 40-hp. motors do away with hand adjustment. They provide a mixture automatically corrected for load and altitude conditions. Choking also is automatic.

For quick recovery from a stall-out while maneuvering, the V-75 has an interlock switch to permit starting in gear at slow-speed throttle settings.

A new two-lever remote control has an adjustment of throttle friction; another of idle speed stop.

A green dash light indicates when the key switch of the Super 75 is turned on. Both "75s" and electric starting "40s" have red lights to warn of engine overheating.

Both V-75 models have lower unit drive shafts of one-piece stainless steel with needle steady rest bearings. Pinion bearings have been designed to use needle thrust bearings running directly on the gear flanges.

Covers supplied with 75 and 40-hp. Johnsons are lined with a new cellular material that is lightweight and drastically reduces sound. A new silencing "cuff" is provided for long-shaft 40-hp. Sea-Horses to deaden sound from the 5" extension piece.


Manufacturer: Johnson Outboards, Waukegan, Ill.