British Seagull Outboard Engines -


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The 102 - The Mariner's Maid of all Work - logo102

(Based on a late 1950's brochure)

Veteran of the Pre-War Years

It was in 1936 that our famous Model 102 went into production - small-scale production at first but we soon had to step it up to meet the demand. In spite of war interference there are now over 150,000 SEAGULL 102s in regular service on every conceivable kind of boat, up and down the world, in the hands of every type of owner from missionary to motor magnate.

We have developed and imporved it since, of course, and the present Mark V is a smoother running, more powerful performer than any of its predeccessors. Yet there has been no basic change of design. This 'Mariner's Maid of All Work' will turn any sturdy hull into a powerful motor-launch with a 'bone in her mouth' and a surging wake at a fraction of the cost of buying and installing an inboard engine of comparable driving power.

102Since this is the motor that has converted so many seamen to using outboards, it may not be out of place to run over the advantages of SEAGULL outboards here. All the room is available for passengers or freight. The hull can be made shallow draught and with the engine tilted clear of the water, the boat can be run right on to the beach for stern gear or rudder hangings. The propeller is easily cleared too, if weeds or mooring ropes foul it, because it can be tilted out of the water and you can see what your are doing. The same SEAGULL can be used in turn on two or three boats of different character. It is far more manoeuvrable than an inboard because the thrust of the propeller itself is directional; you do not have to keep forward steerage way on the boat. The SEAGULL clutch, of course, is the final touch of perfection as far as absolute control is concerned. If a spare engine is kept (and the low cost makes this possible with SEAGULLS) none of your flotilla need ever be out of commission while a motor is being serviced.

Few engine can ever have given as little bother and such long and loyal service to thousands upon thousands of owners as the 102. Original 1936 models come in for servicing and routine overhaul from time to time. For a very modest sum they are brought up to date and made as new, ready for years and years more of arduous service.

Sometimes we think it is time to drop the Model 102. But it would be difficult, even in the light of the more recent knowledge incorporated in the later motors, to produce anything more suited to its job than this highly-developed engine. And we would surely incur the wrath of thousands of devotees of 'Old Faithful' (as one fisherman calls the 102) from one end of the globe to the other.

Brief Characteristics: