British Seagull Outboard Engines -


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Model 90

British Seagull - Model 90(Based on a 1980's brochure)

Designed to meet the requirements of todays small yacht owners, the Seagull 90 is fitted witha Forward Neutral Reverse gearbox to aid manoeuvering in marina berths or on and off moorings. A one gallon (4.5 litre) fuel tank is fitted as standard, giving a running time of 1 1/2 - 2 hours at 3/4 throttle. Also fitted as standard is no-maintenance breakerless CD ignition, a recoil starter and an option of a 12v 50 watt alternator.

The Seagull 90 retains all the qualities of Seagull such as simplicity, reliability, robust construction from marine grade materials that have made Seagull the favourite motor for small boat users over the years.
